The Greatest Present
The Gift of Love ❤️
As you try to find the perfect gift for your dear child, remember that the most precious gift you can give is love and time.
Your affection, your time, and dedication are the most wonderful presents. Live in the moment; be present. Spend time with your child to create memories to build the special bonds that will last a lifetime.
Every year, come November, my daughter is looking forward to listening to the Christmas songs. She is a teenager. You can’t imagine what I felt when she told me that her Christmases were wonderful. She mentioned that I went overboard. Interestingly enough, she did not mention a favorite present. Instead, she talked about the trips we took, the things we did, and her “Santa and Elf letters,” which I wrote for her.
In the winter, we travel to New York to spend time with my family. My sisters and I try to reunite the cousins for Christmas and summertime. They love spending time together.
The holiday season is a great time to establish family traditions, which are one amazing gift. The best traditions evolve from the heart. Prioritizing time with the family is paramount. I encourage you to surround your child with family members. Your child will feel loved and secured.
Presents are great, but they are not the most important aspect of the holiday season. Your child deserves some of the presents on their list. Remember to add the personal touches that make an impression. Gifts can be wrapped beautifully. Play music, sing, and dance with your child. Allow your child to help with the decorations or provide a small tree for your child to decorate. Unforgettable moments are gifts that last forever.
You may create a personalized ornament each year or give your child an ornament that has a special meaning. Collectible ornaments make great gifts. A timeless Alfa Baby outfit and beautiful shoes can also add a special touch to holiday portraits.
You can create personalized letters for your child. Writing is therapeutic. Taking the time to write to your child is very fulfilling. Letters or notes can be written for any occasion. You may write a letter for each birthday. Try writing a short story with your child or about your child. You can use letters or notes to make observations and to highlight great behavior.
Scrapbooks can be a great and simple way to document some of your child’s milestones or special moments. My daughter cherishes her baby scrapbook. Throughout her life, I would find her on any given day, looking at her scrapbook. Now, she takes pictures of it to share with her friends.
Photograph and take a video of your child often. Keep a diary or write notes about your child. As mothers, there will be moments that we wish we could remember forever. Writing provides perspective. It allows analyzing and improving ourselves. We can feel better when we have a point of reference. Keeping a journal can help us find a clear path.
I presented sixteen letters to my daughter on her sixteenth birthday. I was overcome with joy when she said, “I often make time to read my letters. I did not realize how much you love me.” Her words made me realize that her holiday letters and her sixteen letters could be the best gift I have ever given her.
Documenting my child’s life, gave me closure when I needed it. Today, it gives me satisfaction to see how much she enjoys looking back at her pictures. Those little moments that I created with all my love will transcend time. My daughter has come to cherish these homemade gifts and memories. Now that she is older, they document her childhood and most importantly our history. Hopefully, this is a tradition she will make her own.